We need you to become part of the community


At BooksCreated.com, we're building a community space for both aspiring authors of nonfiction books and professional writers, writing coaches, and editors. The goal is to bring together everyone who is interested in writing nonfiction books. To do that we post articles about writing, editing, and publishing along with pertinent news and information. Please explore this site and join the discussion.

A principal of every successful community is free, open, and civil discourse. Therefore all articles are open to your comments, thoughts, and questions.

Please join in, and courteously and respectfully add your voice. Article authors will also try to answer specific questions.

We hope the community will grow large enough and diverse enough to become a place where those seeking help with writing a book are able to meet well matched community members capable of providing that help. Perhaps we'll even be able to bring together people looking to write in partnership about a topic.

Change is the foundation of life. We expect BooksCreated.com to grow and develop in ways we cannot anticipated. We expect the curiosity, explorations, and commitments of community members to modify our cultural DNA. We expect to evolve in exciting ways.

If you think you might be interested in such a community community please join. It's easy and all that you have to do is share three things with us.

Fill out this form with your name, email address, and reason for joining and you're on your way.

We promise not to pester you or share your information with people trying to sell to you. If at any time you feel we've invaded your privacy or personal space, let us know and we'll make every attempt to cease the action that has resulted in your discomfort.

As with all communities, continued participation is voluntary, and a community member may withdraw at any time. Join the BooksCreated.com community now